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Rabu, 29 Mei 2013


Allah tidak pernah tidur. Allah tau yang terbaik bagi umatnya.
Allah Maha Adil atas segala sesuatu termasuk rezeki dan jodoh.
Allah tidak akan pernah salah memberikan sesuatu kepada umatnya.
Allah terkadang menguji umatnya dengan sesuatu hal termasuk rezeki dan jodoh.
Allah memberikan cobaan pasti karena ada hal yang ingin Dia lihat dari seberapa besar syukur dan tawakalnya kita kepada Dia.
Allah takkan memberikan cobaan, lebih dari kemampuan umatnya tersebut.

Orang pandai bersyukur orang yang pintar.
Orang yang selalu bersyukur atas apa yang dia dapat adalah orang yang tawakal kepada Allah
Orang yang tidak mudah mengeluh atas segala sesuatu adalah orang yang memang bersyukur Kepada Allah

Jangan pernah memandang sesuatu karena kebagusan atau ketenarannya
Jangan pernah berpikiran kalau sesuatu yang orang bilang itu bagus pasti bagus juga untuk kita, karena yang terbaik untuk kita hanya Allah SWT yang tau :)

Keep trust for what is given by Allah SWT
Jika kau selalu bertawakal dan selalu berdoa untuk minta ampun Kepada Allah, Saya sebagai pribadi muslim yakin hidup mu akan damai di dunia.
Ingat karena kita di dunia ini hanya sementara. Tahta maupun Harta Anda tidak ada apa-apanya di Akhirat nanti. Hanya AMAL SHOLEH dirimu yang berharga.

Dalam QS Luqman (31): 12 dinyatakan:

Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menganugerahkan kepada Luqman hikmah, yaitu: “Bersyukurlah kepada Allah. Dan barang siapa yang bersyukur (kepada Allah), maka
sesungguhnya ia bersyukur untuk (manfaat) dirinya sendiri.”

“Dan barangsiapa yang bersyukur, maka sesungguhnya dia bersyukur untuk (kebaikan) dirinya sendiri, dan barangsiapa yang kufur (tidak bersyukur), maka sesungguhnya Tuhanku Maha kaya (tidak membutuhka sesuatu) lagi Mahamulia” (QS An-Naml [27]: 40)

Surat Luqman (31): yaitu dengan firman-Nya:

“Bersyukurlah kepada-Ku, dan kepada dua orang ibu bapakmu; hanya kepada-Kulah kembalimu”

Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

The Fat Body

If we have fat body, i think it become our advantage or disadvantage. Humm, Although Some people think that 'Fat Body' is disaster forever #hahahahaha. Maybe, they have thought like that because some things, For example :
  1. You take great effort to search clothes which fits for your body.
  2. Your health is questionable, because the fat body has more grease that is not good for your body. So, not  infrequently People said that the fat body is not good for our health. Although, Not all of the fat people is not health.
  3. For women has fat body, sometimes it makes she become lack of confidence for herself.
  4. Sometimes with the fat body, we is not agile. Maybe, because body weight that heavier can cause his/her latitude limited.
  5. And the last, Many people said  that a certain person has fat body who will difficult to get boyfriend or girlfriend. But ,i am not sure about that, hehehehe.

Beside that,the fat body don't always become problem because something. Because if you have the fat body you should think like this, For example :
  1. I don't err to buy clothes, so i can economize :).
  2. The fat body can be icon for yourself. Moreover you have good attitude and friendly too. You will be easy to remember with many people.
  3. If you get boyfriend or girlfriend when you are having the fat body, i think your boyfriend or girlfriend love you with sincere.
  4. Maybe the fat body that you have, it's a sign that you are much sustenance. #positivethinking :).
  5. Finaly if you bored with your the fat body, I am sure we will maintaining a healthy diet, so it makes more concerned for what we eat.

Many opinions about the advantage or disadvantage fat body. But i guess for you all to grateful for what you have so your life will more beautifully.

Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

Pasar Koeningan at Pasar Festival Jakarta

Pasar Koeningan is a food court in Pasar Festival Jakarta. It is at the second floors of Pasar Fesrival Kuningan Jakarta. It is near from Epicentrum Kuningan. For your informations, in here you can eat many foods from Indonesia. Not only foods but also many drinks which you choose and buy it. If you feel hungry or thirsty, you can order some foods or softdrinks from some food counters. For example are Bakmi Jogja & Nasgor Semarang, Sego Pecel Bu Broto, Omah Sendok, Soto Semarang, Pusat Nasi Bakar, Gado-Gado Palem, Soto Mas Tino, Marijo Khas Manado, Ikuze Express, Raja Kambing, Waroeng Desa Koe Delima, Dudung Sop Kaki & Soto Betawi, Pring Kecil, Es Podeng, Es Selendang Mayang and the most counter that i like,  it is Tahu Gejrot Counter :-). About price, in here contains the medium price for me. Because the price foods in here is started from Rp.10.000 - Rp.50.000. Uhm, in the center area of Pasar Koeningan is cashier counter and the place which you can order many softdrinks. And then, you also can enjoy with your gadgets or your laptop in here, because in here there are many plugs to charge, so don`t worry about that.  I hope it is intresting informations for u :-).

miss u my blog :-)

Assalammualaikum :)
i think my blog was not written by me long time ago. miss so much :). I want become blogger again #moodasblogger. I write this blog in other conditions, i am so happy now. By the way i have many stories that are written by me in here. Start from now, maybe i will spent many times to write something what happened to me :). so if i am not in world again, i can be remembered from this blog.